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5 jobannoncer

Fredericia Se rejsetid

Afdelingsleder for Systemværdi og Regulering

Du bliver ansvarlig for afdelingen Systemværdi og Regulering. En udviklingsafdeling, der består af i alt 17 medarbejdere. Sammen udvikler vi rammevilkår for den grønne omstilling og er drivkraften bag store økonomiske projekter. Vi arbejder med betalingsstrukturer, fokuserer på ny grønne forretningsmodeller m.m.

Fredericia Se rejsetid

Seniorprojektleder med fagligt ansvar for nettilslutningsprojekter

Er du en rutineret projektleder, der motiveres af at drive optimerings- og anlægsprojekter? Ligesom dine projektlederkolleger vil du styre en portefølje af anlægsprojekter i form af anlæg eller stationer, som skal nybygges og tilsluttes elnettet.

Germany, Denmark, remote

Business Development Manager Nordics / Freelancer (m/f/d)

Our aim is to protect the climate and ensure a cost-effective and secure energy supply. We foster acceptance of solar energy and thus contribute to the success of the energy transition. For future generations, we strive to make the world a little bit better.

ZwickRoell GmbH & Co. KG
Odense, Kolding, Vejle

Servicetekniker til marken/Field Service Technician

As a field service technician for Denmark at ZwickRoell, you are a representative of our company and play a decisive role in customer satisfaction. With your technical expertise and your passion for providing excellent service, you will contribute directly to the success and further development of our company.

POULSEN recruiting on behalf of Vestas aircoil A/S
Vejle Se rejsetid

HR Partner

Are you ready to be the driving force behind HR excellence in a dynamic, international setting? This role offers the opportunity to shape and mold the framework and content of a global HR function, where currently none exists. If you're eager to pioneer and create in an evolving environment, this is the perfect opportunity for you.