3 jobannoncer

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3 jobannoncer

Danske Diakonhjem

Diakonhjemschef med ledelsesansvar for forstandere

Er du vores nye chef til en alsidig stilling som nærmeste leder og sparringspartner for plejehjemsforstandere i Syddanmark, Fyn og Sjælland? Opgaven består i at lede og støtte i forhold til implementering og fastholdelse af Danske Diakonhjems ledelsesstrategi samt hjælpe med at håndtere konkrete udfordringer.

Agfa HealthCare

Business Development Manager Nordics

We are looking for a Business Development Manager (BDM) to join our experienced Sales team. The BDM is responsible for identifying opportunities, creating an account strategy, coordinating and controlling the sales process, managing customer expectations and negotiating contracts.

Fredericia Se rejsetid

Senior project manager on green transition of the energy systems

Are you motivated to improve the global environment for current and future generations? Energinet currently has an outstanding career opportunity for a senior project manager to develop our international collaboration activities within the gas sector – as well as energy grid planning and sector coupling between energy systems.