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3 jobannoncer

Danske Diakonhjem
Vejle Se rejsetid

Diakonhjemschef med ledelsesansvar for forstandere

Er du vores nye chef til en alsidig stilling som nærmeste leder og sparringspartner for plejehjemsforstandere i Syddanmark, Fyn og Sjælland? Opgaven består i at lede og støtte i forhold til implementering og fastholdelse af Danske Diakonhjems ledelsesstrategi samt hjælpe med at håndtere konkrete udfordringer.

Germany, Denmark, remote

Business Development Manager Nordics / Freelancer (m/f/d)

Our aim is to protect the climate and ensure a cost-effective and secure energy supply. We foster acceptance of solar energy and thus contribute to the success of the energy transition. For future generations, we strive to make the world a little bit better.

ZwickRoell GmbH & Co. KG
Odense, Kolding, Vejle

Servicetekniker til marken/Field Service Technician

As a field service technician for Denmark at ZwickRoell, you are a representative of our company and play a decisive role in customer satisfaction. With your technical expertise and your passion for providing excellent service, you will contribute directly to the success and further development of our company.