Area Sales Manager – Innovation inden for smågrisefodring
Kontrakt: Fast – 37.5 timer om ugen.
Placering: Videbæk - Danmark (med mulighed for at rejse i hele Europa)
Er du klar til at revolutionere smågrisefodring og udfordre den traditionelle praksis i branchen? AB Neo søger en passioneret og resultatorienteret Area Sales Manager til at lede salgsindsatsen, opbygge varige kunderelationer og drive udviklingen af fremtidige fodringskoncepter. Med base i Danmark og mulighed for at arbejde i hele Europa er denne rolle perfekt for en selvmotiveret professionel, der ønsker at gøre en betydelig forskel i dyrefoderindustrien.
Kom til AB Neo, hvor vi kombinerer banebrydende innovation, teamwork og en kundeorienteret tilgang for at levere fremragende løsninger til foderindustrien. Bliv en del af et inspirerende team, der er dedikeret til at skabe værdi, drive vækst og forme fremtiden for fodring af smågrise.
Vigtige ansvarsområder
- Lede salgsindsatsen: Drive salget i Danmark og på tværs af Europa og opbygge en stærk portefølje af nye og eksisterende kunder.
- Kundecentrerede løsninger: Forstå kundernes behov, levere skræddersyede tekniske løsninger og identificere muligheder for vækst.
- Vækst på markedet: Udvikle og implementere strategier for at udvide markedsandelen, især på det tyske marked.
- Samarbejdsorienteret lederskab: Arbejde tæt sammen med interne teams og interessenter for at levere fremragende resultater og fremme stærke relationer inden for foderindustrien.
- Innovation og strategi: Introducere nye foderkoncepter og strategiske planer for at øge kundeværdien og nå forretningsmålene.
Færdigheder og erfaring
Vi opfordrer dig til at søge, selv om din erfaring ikke nøjagtigt matcher jobbeskrivelsen. Dine færdigheder og din motivation er det, der virkelig betyder noget for os. Vi værdsætter vores mangfoldige arbejdsstyrke og mener, at vores inkluderende kultur skaber et miljø, hvor alle kan trives.
- Dokumenteret salgsekspertise: Demonstreret succes inden for salg med fokus på landbrugs- eller dyrefoderindustrien, især med svineproducenter.
- Opbygning af relationer: Stærke interpersonelle færdigheder med evnen til at opbygge langsigtede kundepartnerskaber.
- Teknisk viden: Solid forståelse af fodringspraksis for smågrise og værdidriverne i branchen.
- Sproglige færdigheder: Flydende engelsk (i skrift og tale); yderligere sprog, som f.eks. tysk, er et plus.
- Resultatorienteret: En selvstarter med en dokumenteret evne til at nå salgsmål, øge omsætningen og bidrage til teamets succes.
Placering: Danmark (med mulighed for at rejse).
Job Title: Area Sales Manager – Piglet Feeding Innovation
Contract: Permanent – 37.5 hs per week.
Location: Videbaek- Denmark (with opportunities for travel across Europe)
Are you ready to revolutionize piglet feeding and challenge traditional industry practices? AB Neo is seeking a passionate and results-driven Area Sales Manager to lead sales efforts, build lasting customer relationships, and drive the development of future feeding concepts. Based in Denmark, with opportunities to work across Europe, this role is perfect for a self-motivated professional looking to make a significant impact in the animal feed industry.
Join us at AB Neo, where we combine cutting-edge innovation, teamwork, and a customer-first approach to deliver outstanding solutions to the feed industry. Be part of an inspiring team dedicated to creating value, driving growth, and shaping the future of piglet feeding.
Key Responsibilities
- Lead Sales Efforts: Drive sales in Denmark and across Europe, building a strong portfolio of new and existing customers.
- Customer-Centric Solutions: Understand customer needs, provide tailored technical solutions, and identify opportunities for growth.
- Market Growth: Develop and implement strategies to expand market share, particularly in the German market.
- Collaborative Leadership: Work closely with internal teams and stakeholders to deliver outstanding results and foster strong relationships within the feed industry.
- Innovation and Strategy: Introduce new feeding concepts and strategic plans to enhance customer value and achieve business objectives.
Skills and Experience
We encourage you to apply even if your experience doesn’t exactly match the job description. Your skills and motivation are what truly matter to us. We value our diverse workforce and believe that our inclusive culture creates an environment where everyone can thrive.
- Proven Sales Expertise: Demonstrated success in sales, with a focus on the agricultural or animal feed industry, particularly with pig producers.
- Relationship Building: Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to build long-term customer partnerships.
- Technical Knowledge: Solid understanding of piglet feeding practices and the value drivers in the industry.
- Language Proficiency: Fluent in English (written and spoken); additional languages, such as German, are a plus.
- Results-Driven: A self-starter with a proven ability to achieve sales targets, grow revenue, and contribute to team success.
Location: Denmark (with opportunities to travel)
About The Company
Rewarding your passion
When you join us, you'll do meaningful work and be rewarded fairly for it. From annual salary reviews and incentive bonus, ongoing career development and enhanced family, financial and wellbeing benefits – these are just some of the ways we reward you - from day one.
About us
We are AB Neo a specialist business bringing together the expertise of four successful companies with the aim of revolutionising nutrition for all neonates. Bring your talents to AB Neo and play your part in producing affordable, high quality and responsible food for the growing global population.
We’re part of AB Agri, the agricultural division of Associated British Foods (ABF plc) and we’re passionate about feeding the world responsibly and affordably by making quality animal feed, creating nutrition and technology-based products, and offering data services for the agri-food industry. What sets us apart is how we delight our customers - and that’s because of great people like you. People with different life experiences who share common values. Together we’re building a fair, innovative and inclusive culture.
As a Disability Confident employer, we’re committed to ensuring our application and recruitment processes work for everyone so if you need any additional support (like alternative formats for your application, bringing a support dog to the offices, a sign language interpreter - or anything else) just let us know.
Application Notes
We hope you feel that AB Agri is somewhere you can thrive and so we’d love to hear from you. We get a lot of applications for our roles and sometimes need to close the process early so register your details and upload your CV via our careers website as soon as you can – it will only take a few minutes.
When you do, we’ll ask you some equal opportunities questions just to ensure our recruitment process is inclusive – or show us areas we can improve. This information is anonymised, separate from your application and is never seen by the hiring panel. You can choose not to answer these questions and this won’t affect your application.
Apply today or contact our recruitment team for more information.
Agencies and media sales
AB Agri group politely requests no contact from recruitment agencies or media sales. We don’t accept speculative CVs from recruitment agencies nor accept the fees associated with them.