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4 job ads

Agfa HealthCare

Business Development Manager Nordics

We are looking for a Business Development Manager (BDM) to join our experienced Sales team. The BDM is responsible for identifying opportunities, creating an account strategy, coordinating and controlling the sales process, managing customer expectations and negotiating contracts.

Johnson Controls
Hornslet See travel time


Har du øje for godt købmandskab og vil du udvikle dig indenfor indkøb i en global virksomhed, der skaber bæredygtige løsninger? Som indkøbassistent vil din primære rolle være at støtte entreprise afdelingen med forskellige opgaver relateret til indkøb og sourcing af varer og tjenester til organisation.

Johnson Controls
Højbjerg See travel time

IT Business Lead - EMEA

Are you passionate about driving innovation? Do you consider yourself to possess a self-leading, structured, and proactive mindset? Then we would like to hear from you.

You will be a part of a highly qualified and skilled team that will guide you and ensure a smooth and tailored onboarding enabling you to add immediate value to the organisation.

Johnson Controls
Højbjerg See travel time

Operationel Indkøber

Johnson Controls søger en Operationel Indkøber (barselsvikar) med teknisk og kommerciel forståelse til at supportere vores interne og eksterne leverandører inden for køle- og varmeløsninger til industrien.