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4 job ads

Euro Steel Danmark A/S
Hedensted See travel time


Euro Steel Danmark A/S søger regnskabschef med solid regnskabsmæssig baggrund og interesse for IT – vil du være en del af en succeshistorie i en sjov og uformel hverdag? Du vil både selv være en aktiv del af den daglige drift i bogholderiet, samtidig med at du vil være ansvarlig overfor øvrige medarbejdere i bogholderiet.

Johnson Controls
Højbjerg See travel time

IT Business Lead - EMEA

Are you passionate about driving innovation? Do you consider yourself to possess a self-leading, structured, and proactive mindset? Then we would like to hear from you.

You will be a part of a highly qualified and skilled team that will guide you and ensure a smooth and tailored onboarding enabling you to add immediate value to the organisation.