Find employees worldwide

StepStone are specialists in international recruitment, wherever in the world you need new employees. As a founder of The Network, we have access to advertise your position at leading job sites in 140 countries. And it's quite simple. We do the work for you from our office in Denmark. And you have only 1 contract, currency and contact person. With advantageous prices and excellent international experience, we save you both time and money.

Here's how we help

StepStone can help you when you face challenges in filling your vacancy locally. And we help you to fill positions with international candidates at offices in both Denmark and abroad. Quite simply.

Advertise worldwide

As a founder of The Network, we have global reach. Our network covers more than 140 countries and offers you everything you need to find international talent.

Decoding Digital Talent: Fill your vacancies with international candidates

Are you lacking manpower and are you interested in picking it up abroad? Then, through the link, you can get a brief introduction to a report and a data tool that will make you wiser regarding international candidates – and how to attract them.

Find your next employee with a new data tool

With over 360,000 responses across 197 countries – in collaboration with The Network and Boston Consulting Group – we can present a new data tool with insights into international candidates' mobility and job preferences.

New report: Two out of three IT profiles are willing to move abroad

Danish companies are experiencing a growing lack of IT profiles. New figures show that this type of candidate is willing to change to a foreign address for the right job. At StepStone, you gain insight into new knowledge about IT profiles' mobility and job preferences.

Denmark has become less attractive to foreign workers

Working abroad is less attractive globally, according to a new worldwide survey by Boston Consulting Group and The Network. At the same time, both Denmark and Copenhagen are becoming a popular destination among foreign workers.