Here's how we help

When recruitment is difficult we come to the rescue

StepStone can help you when you face challenges in filling your vacancy locally. And we help you to fill positions with international candidates at offices in both Denmark and abroad. Quite simply.

It is all based on our experts' local knowledge of the country from which your next employee should be attracted.

But also with our many years of experience and the Global Talent Study which is a professional tool that can help you find the talent that matches your needs based on more than 366,000 candidates' job preferences.

Where to start?

1. Current need

You need a specific profile that will either work in Denmark or in an international department and you experience challenges in filling the position.

2. Contact StepStone

You contact StepStone where you, together with our international experts, have a dialogue about:

  • The position, i.e. how the job is angled in the job ad.
  • The advertising strategy, i.e. where relevant candidates can be attracted from.

3. Advertising

Next, the practical part of advertising begins:

  • You send us your job ad by mail – if you want the ad translated we can help with that too.
  • We send the job ad to the site in the country we have agreed to advertise in.
  • You will receive a link as soon as the job ad is online.
  • At an agreed time, we will talk about the job ad's performance and after the end of the advertising period provide statistics.
  • After that, your recruitment process continues with the candidates who have applied for the position.

Please, contact Anders Skov, International Sales Manager, on the following number +45 72 25 15 47 if you want to know more.

Did you know that …

  • Our partner in Japan has a separate job site for Japanese candidates who want to work outside Japan?
  • Our partner in Iran is the only English job site in the country?
  • Job ads in Germany perform best in German as candidates often search for German words?
  • French candidates looks for jobs they find interesting regardless of their qualifications while German candidates only looks for positions they consider to have the skills to manage?
  • Romanian candidates possess high technical skills which is a good alternative to IT profiles?