5 jobannoncer
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Salg & Indkøb3
Økonomi, Regnskab & Revision1
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Uddannelse / Børn & Unge0
5 jobannoncer
Vil du modtage denne slags jobannoncer på mail?
Lead Project Manager
In this position you will be responsible for independent execution of product/equipment orders from Distributors, Key Accounts and direct customers for the New Unit engines business (order booking up to handover to customer) and/or OH&R and CM&U orders. We offer a good salary package and 25 holidays.
CFO at SMTHOUSE – Growth Company
Besides becoming a close and trusted partner to the CEO - handling as well the classical areas of responsibilities regarding Finance, Back Office, IT, HR as the current growth strategy and working with critical strategic projects, and other future business critical projects, you will be a very important part of creating the future of SMT HOUSE.
Vil du vise interesse for dette job?
Det er en god idé, at du opretter et CV, så virksomheden let og med det samme får en god forståelse af dig og din profil.
Det er en god idé, at du sætter dit CV online, så virksomheden let og med det samme får en god forståelse af dig og din profil.
Det er en god idé, at du opdaterer dit CV, så virksomheden let og med det samme får en god forståelse af dig og din profil.