3 jobannoncer

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3 jobannoncer

Fredericia Se rejsetid

Afdelingsleder – vær med til at understøtte og udvikle driften af det danske elsystem

Som afdelingsleder for Driftsudvikling El får du ansvar for at identificere, udvikle og implementere løsninger til driften af elsystemet på nationalt, regionalt og internationalt niveau. Du bliver leder for en afdeling med højt specialiserede medarbejdere, som fungerer som knudepunkt mellem kontrolcenter, IT-udvikling, marked og drift.

Darmstadt Se rejsetid

Configuration Management CAM (Located in Germany)

The successful candidate will get the unique opportunity to contribute with her/his expertise, leadership skills and strategic mind-set to all configuration management activities across EUMETSAT. Supported by a talented team of engineers and analysts, she/he will get the opportunity to make impact on the future of configuration management.

Darmstadt Se rejsetid

Launch Service Manager (Located in Germany)

This post is located within the Office of the Director of PRD and reporting to the Institutional Launch Service (ILS) Manager. You will be responsible for the provision of organisational and engineering support for the ILS with initial emphasis on launch service management, launcher interface and launch campaign for EPS-SG satellites A1 and B1.