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16 jobannoncer
16 jobannoncer
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Forsknings- og Uddannelseschef
GreenLab søger en Forsknings- og Uddannelseschef til at drive vores forskningsaktiviteter og videreudvikle vores stærke position inden for grøn omstilling af den energitunge industri. Vi leder efter en stærk strategisk profil med solid erfaring inden for både forskningsverdenen og det industrielle felt.
HR- og kommunikationschef
Vil du bygge en stærk HR-funktion op fra bunden, drive og udvikle den – og samtidig lede et velfungerende kommunikationsteam i en organisation med mange interessenter? Stillingen er nyoprettet, så der er rig mulighed for at præge den. Du vil blive en del af erhvervshusets ledergruppe og referere til den adm. direktør.
Director, Employee Journeys & Development
Do you want to work in a company with a strong brand and value-based DNA? Can you see yourself taking part in forming and executing a transformational People & Culture strategy at Norlys? And do you dream of leading an ambitious team of managers and specialists?
Senior Director, People Partnering & Consulting
Do you want to work in a company with a strong brand and value-based DNA? Can you see yourself taking part in forming and executing a transformational People & Culture strategy at Norlys? And do you dream of leading an ambitious team of People Partners, Consultants and Specialists?
Kan du identificere dig med værdierne ærlighed, åbenhed og respekt?
Så kan du blive skoleleder for vores LOF-afdeling i Holstebro/Struer/Lemvig. Du ansættes 15 timer pr. uge som udgangspunkt. Du vil bl.a. få ansvaret for den daglige drift af aftenskolen, personaleledelse af et lærerteam samt udarbejdelse af vækst- og strategiplaner i tæt samarbejde med en engageret bestyrelse.
Leder til Løn- og Personaleadministration - Genopslag
Har du lyst til et job med ansvar, udfordringer og stor berøringsflade i hele organisationen? Du vil få det faglige og personalemæssige ansvar for teamet, og arbejdsopgaverne er knyttet til den daglige varetagelse af alle opgaver indenfor løn- og personaleadministration for Syddjurs Kommunes ca. 3200 medarbejdere.
Your primary task will be to issue estimates, provide technical support and tender preparation for industrial refrigeration systems and heat pump projects, in the Nordic market. We offer an exciting role where we will do everything to ensure that you are successful in the job, as well as thrive in the daily work and in our team.
Head of regional FP&A Northern Europe
You will bridge finance and business, leading the optimizing of financial outcomes for the Region (and Europe) through well-co-ordinated and informed recommendations, as well as ensuring consistent, timely and accurate understanding, reporting and analysis of business performance, including Key Performance Indicators and variance analysis.
EHS Regional Manager Scandinavia
You will be a key member of the Regional Leadership and European EHS Leadership teams.
Reporting to the EHS Director for Europe with a matrix relationship to Regional Operational Directors, you will be required to drive and lead the implementation of European and Corporate strategic EHS performance plans and objectives across the region.