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2 job ads

Byggefirmaet Knudsgaard A/S
Skive See travel time

Midtjysk bygge- og ejendomskoncern søger Business Controller

Er du analytisk og forretningsorienteret og ønsker at tage ansvar for økonomisk styring og compliance? Vi søger en Business Controller til aktiv deltagelse i koncernens administrative team samt bestyrelsesbetjening og koncernrapportering. Du bliver en afgørende sparringspartner for virksomhedens ejerleder, projektledelse og bestyrelse.

Air Liquide Danmark A/S
Horsens See travel time

Senior Account Manager

This position is responsible for meeting their individual sales targets by value, product type and profitability. This will be achieved through hands-on demonstrations and sales expertise by selling industrial gases and value-added technical solutions to new and existing customers, with a focus on our largest industrial clients.